Saturday, March 08, 2025

DIY Series 75: Repair Hot Bowl Clamp

Repair Hot Bowl Clamp

A new hot bowl clamp is only cost below MYR$2.00 (<US$0.50). For example, you can easily get a new set at this link. This simple DIY project just want to try out any possibility to use PVC pipe to fix the broken handle, not really having any cost saving on the repair. 

Anything is possible, utilize your creativity into your daily life.


  1. Get a small portion leftover PVC pipe, cut it to target length using pipe cutter
  2. Draw a line to split the PVC pipe into 2 equal portions
  3. Use mini saw to cut the PVC pipe into 2 pieces
  4. Use filer to smoothen the uneven surface after cutting
  5. Dismantle the broken holder using screwdriver
  6. Drill 2 holes on each PVC pipe according to the hole size on the original handle with drill and filer
  7. Assemble the new holder onto the bowl clamper (I am using a new set of screws due to PVC pipe's height is higher than original holder)
  8. Add a latch (from original unit) onto the end of the new holder with plier
  9. Wash the bowl clamp with water
  10. Test it using a bowl

  • PVC pipe cutter, filer, mini saw, pencil, screwdriver, drill, plier

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